Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today nothing special ..
Went to uni for Physics ..
Supposed to go and pay for Internet ..
but forgot to bring money ..
Going to pay on saturday .. 
Then came back ..
Before come back,
Sharmyne went to exchange USD..
Rate damn low .. 28.95 i think ..
Hmm ~ but she no more cash so no choice ..
Then buy some guitar picks .. 
then came back Kim ..
After that eat ..
Then watch movie to prevent me from sleeping ..
Then went for chess training ..
Then cook and eat ..
Watch movie again ..
Then play facebook ..
Listen songs ..
Skype with friend .. =)
Then until now ..
2 photos to share .. Let's see what are those ..

This is what I did yesterday night .. Helped my friend with his assignment ..
Pity him cant sleep bullied by his groupmate just to finish the assignment ..

My bed !! With just-changed bed sheet and pillow cover ..
=) look nice ..
This is the very first time they use new cloth to make new cover ..
And today specially opened only for MALAYSIAN to change their bed sheet ..
Whoa !!

That's all .. 

Special Wednesday..

Today is a very special Wednesday ..
Why ??
Today only russian class.
From 8am to 1.50pm ..
long day right ??
Actually nothing larh ..
Time past very fast for me ..
and before finish class,
we laughed so hard..
haha.. told a lot of jokes..
Then ..
Rest awhile,
Wash clothes..
Then sleepy again as usual..
always sleepy after eat..
but cannot sleep because chess training at 5pm ..
and so I went to chess training ...
A very big huge snow poured down ..
And I took a video heavy it was ..
After chess around 7pm nothing to do ..
I learnt how to edit video myself..
Record video + music effect + words effect + others..
Learnt around 1 hour plus ...
Finally came out with this ..

It is just trial.. Hehex.. Will make some more good one next time ..

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good day..

Today went to biology ..
Just to remind you guys ..
We have to walk quite far to morpho for biology ..
Today is a very windy day ..
and small snow ..
falls to the floor just like white sand sugar..
on top of chocolate cakes ..
Because the floor is in brown colour ..
Then came back ..
Very sleepy wanted to sleep ..
but forced myself up coz I have chess training ..
*Last week Thursday over-slept missed chess training*
So I watched a movie to stay awake..
Managed to stay awake and went to chess training ..
Then came back quite late..
Cook and eat then watch another movie ..
Now its the time to memorize rasskas..
Everybody is cracking their head to memorize the rasskas ...
I guess me too .. haha ..
Our rasskas about tissues .. =)
Thanks to Carment,
giving me 1/3 of her bottle of coca-cola ..

Haven drink yet .. 
Today is a good day ..
Nothing comes up ..
Hope I can memorize my rasskas well and smooth ..
Fast then can go sleep .. 

Coming back to blog

Since I get complain by my dad,
I am coming back to blog ...
Not to say I ran away ..
Just that quite busy .. =P
Let's see ..
I am now studying ,
Chess, for chess competition,
Russian, for speaking good russian,
Tamil, to understand and talk with Indian friends,
Spanish, for fun and interest..
Ha ! Thats how busy I am during my free time ..
And mostly sleep ~ xD
Ok let's go to how is Volgograd now ..
Temperature kind of above 0..
but still sometime go down below 0 ..
Ice on the floor and snow greatly melted ..
Due to raining when its above 0..
Few days ago where it just turned above 0 ,
is quite muddy ..
Now its quite dry but still .. some place ..
is muddy ..
Let's post some photos i had taken few days ago ..
Family tree in volgograd .. Haha I made it .. =P
Actually before I come,
They already have a family tree,
some seniors who were staying in Kim before..
So after I come, just add in some members ..
Hehex .. =)
It feels nice to be part of the family ...
Got people jaga jaga .. =D

Went to drink coffee with seniors, enjoying life .. =P

Look nice? Chocolate cappuccino..  
Then I took the photo below in Lora's apartment..
During bible study ..

Nice Easter egg decoration.. Guess wad ? Those are real eggs and not only shell ..
Thats all .. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My timetable

Few days ago,
Madam Esther asked me..
When are you free ah ??
Thought she was going to date me.. =P
Then I think think think ..
Figured out that actually I'm quite busy !
I mean compared to my classmates all ..
Let's see ..
Somehow its like that larh .. Might have a little bit change..
Only Wednesday and Saturday afternoon I'm free..
Oh ya .. Morning means may finish around 1pm or 2pm ..
And ..
Afternoon means finish around 5pm to 7pm..
See how busy ?? Haha ..
No larh ~ I am enjoying my timetable.. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring is coming..

How I that Spring is coming??
Coz the ice is melting ...
Why ice? not snow?
Coz last time we keep on stepping on the snow..
It formed a thick thick layer of snow plate underneath..
So.. The temperature goes up and down..
So it goes wet then froze again ..
Then form few layer of ice ..
Now temperature is over 0...
It is melting and quite slippery ...
2 of our friends fell down ...
One knocked her head and sent to hospital for head scan ..
And just want to show a photo ...
just in front of our hostel..
Actually .. everywhere is flooding full of water cloak ..
*Is it correct? Water cloak??*
Let's see this ~
All that reflects so clearly is the water .. =)
Okay .. After that ..
We went to bible study ...
We took a mashrut ..
And also around 3 or 4 people getting on that mashrut ..
So it took quite a long time ...
and a trolleybus from behind honned the mashrut ..
And so he drive and close the door after i went up ...
but a police car stopped him ...
Dono what happened but we waited in the mashrut..
Not sure is it because of us that go up slow or what ...
Pity him .. =(
Okay .. Let's report something about me ..
As most of you know, 
I joined chess competition ..
Wanted to join badminton competition but ..
heard that they are not going to send team for badminton this year ..
Who knows, they start recruiting again..
But ..just let it be.. I already told my chess team master that I am not joining others..
next year maybe ... Wait I get my racquet here first .. =)
So.. Go back to my chess competition ..
We are going to have our training every Tuesday and Thursday 5pm ..
Just in Kim ..
Good news right ? haha ..
I am also learning online reading information .. 
Hopefully it helps .. 
Pray for me .. Thanks

Useful day

The day before,
means friday night ..
I slept quite early ..
lolz.. early for me..
12o clock ..
my friends all say i slept so early ..
Why ?? For one reason ..
Keep my brain for Chemistry class..
And so ..
Saturday chemistry class..
Teacher really gave a lot a lot of questions ..
Then we did a lot .. she gave and we took turn to write and do on board..
I helped almost all of the class to do ..
Teaching them this step then that step ..
lolz.. Used all my brain ..
After chemistry, reli tired ..
wanted to wash clothes but after eat..
skype with my dad and brother..
He just came back from NS..
After skype went out with friend..
So cant wash clothes again ..
Go out with Ben, Bavani and Suganraj ..
Go a place sit down ...
They eat their lunch and we talked..
Chat until 6 pm then go back..
Reli reli tired.. 
Then wanted to sleep for 30 minutes ..
but again I failed to wake up with alarm ..
so I slept till 8pm.. 
Thanks for cooking for me again .. =)
Sorry.I didnt take any photos ..
Shud practice to take more photos..
Still don get use to take photo everywhere ...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Physic's day

Nothing much today ~
See the liquid above ??
The bottle is the one we found ..
Elvis's liquid finished today ..
and we found that bottle on the floor and refilled his ..
Haha ..
Miracles .. 
Thats all about it i think ..
Tomorrow Russian and History class ..
p/s: today didnt practice chess at all.. slept whole day ..

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Short post

Today russian whole day,
and finally finish telling the rasskas..
quite hard rasskas..
memorized a few hours ..
Then changed our bed sheet today ..
Supposed to be opened at 6pm..
but they always line up so early ..
So we also line up at 5pm .. already got this ..
Guess around 6 people
Let's see how many people around 5.35pm..

Cant reli take a good shot coz scare they found out I snap their picture..
After that ..
At night,
somebody kept on complaining her computer lag ..
and hanged 3 times already ..
Haha ..
So I helped her to reformat her computer again ..
its the 3rd time even tho not I helped her last time ..
So here it is ..
Reformating computer .. 
That's all for today ..
Very tired.. got to go to sleep ~
Oh ya ~!
Before I go to sleep, Wan to say that.
My dad allowed me to join chess competition ...
So I wil be going to chess competition in April in Nizhney..
Wish me luck and all the best ~ Thanks ~
Good night !

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Glubii komandant (stupid commandant)

Yesterday morning,
while we were still in class,
suddenly our teacher,
came rushing into the classroom and asked..
Who is staying in room 13 ..
Then she asked us to go and tidy our room ..
She asked a lot of questions and lectured us ..
Coz we plugged our boiler in the room,
and one of my roommate kept his rice cooker in the room ..
WTFish !!
Commandant just came in and took the stuff ..
When our teacher called us and we went to our room,
she already took away the wire of the boiler and the rice cooker !!
Haiz .. stupid commandant ..
She herself don wan fix the kitchen,
no electricity at all..
Ask us how to boil our water ??
and my friend just put the rice cooker there ..
She took it away too ..
Wad de ..
Feel like wan to argue with her ...
Scold till she wake up ..
but russian not good ..
Planning to find seniors to help .. but ...
I not sure anybody is willing to help ..
and able to help ..
nevermind larh .. we will wait and see ..
=D ..
Stupid commandant made my roommates all moody ..
no mood ...
and also made me no mood ..
eventho she didnt took anything from me ..

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Women's days' holidays finished...

last day of holidays..
n its Sunday,
11th March..
we got class replacement..
lucky our class for pre-med ..
is going to be in Kim hostel only..
Russian class 8am to 12 smth..
Did not much for holidays..
Celebrated with friends and enjoyed it ..
Watched a lot of movies too!
Almost finish a TV series..
Left season 6 n season 7 is coming out soon...
Of coz we didnt finish the 5 season in 3 days..
but we finished 1 season.. thats the 5th..
Nice tv series!
Btw, class started and gonna postpone the movie..
Wait till another holidays come by..
but probably after this is on May..
One month without holidays.. T.T
In Malaysia,
every months has holidays..
but not in Russia..

Friday, March 9, 2012

8th March 2012

8th March 2012,
is women's day..
We all get 3 days holidays ..
7th March we got half day study ..
Then our classes resume on 11th March..
Erm .. I did something for my well-known women ..
=P ..
Hahaha ..
For Madam,Esther.

For little girl, Sharmyne.
 Erm.. On 7th evening,
I went to hiro ..
To celebrate with madam, Esther..
Going to stay overnight there again ..
The first time overnight in Hiro is CnY eve..
This is the second time ..
And also the second time i slept in a friend's room..
He is a first-year boy name Jun Win..
Felt very paiseh to stay over in his room so many times ..
So I bought a burger for him to thank him ..
Who knows the next morning he made a sandwitch for me !!
Make me even more paiseh lo..
Here it is, a very nice, delicious sandwitch..
More expensive than my burger i guess ..
Haha .. Thanks !! Here it is ..

Very big sandwitch !!
hmmm.. Yummy !!

This is the floor I was staying in hiro.. Those decorations were from the CnY which me and Kah Yee did ..

I went back on 8th March ..
around 1.30pm ..
I enjoyed the time i spent in hiro..
7th march night ..
Talking to Madam.. long long time since we reli talk ..
a lot and gossip.. =P
And also karaoke in the room ..
Enjoying life .. haha ..
I cooked for Madam that night of coz ..
Washed dishes for her too ..
Then when 8th March night..
Ate dinner with Kah Yee and Carmen too ..
Cooked for them .. with Elvis ..
And we washed too ..
Thats all we did for the women on women's day ..
Haha.. =D

Totally forgot about this post !!

Wwednesday morning
catch no mashrut..
again use trolleybus and tramvai..
then late 5 minites..
still have to wait for teacher around 10 mins..
everybody is playing phone while waiting.. Haha..
 Last day of study and start 3 days holidays ..


See?? Me too..

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pity one - Elvis

Today ~
Is not a good day for Elvis ..
But first of all ..
Before writing about Elvis ..
Get into me first ..
Today class started 8am to 1.50pm ..
Only Russian ..
Teacher gave us super duper long pireriv ...
*quick review*
(pireriv is a small break during class time)
So .. We kind of enjoy it a lot ..
Nothing much ..
Then I play facebook then sleep awhile ..
Until my phone alarm rang ..
and Elvis woke me up .. Gosh !!
I forgot my Church's program "Amazing Grace" !!
Quickly dressed up and shoo ~
I am late ~ =(
So sorry ..
Thats basically all about me ..
Next ..
When I was playing my computer, 
Elvis was about to go and cook ..
He was about to cook maggie mee ..
So he wanted to take the egg ..
but he squeezed too hard !!
the egg just burst ! lolz *over-exaggerated*
haha .. but it still spilled to the floor ..
So, he went and go get the cloth to mop the floor..
After he finished cook ..
He brought his bowl of noodle into the room ..
When he was entering the room,
he lost his balance and half of the soup in his bowl,
splashed out to the floor .. *haha again over-exaggerated*
some of the soup poured onto his hand ..
got burnt a bit .. 
He shouted of cos.. I mean ..
just one sound .. not like shouting as if singing ..
Pity Elvis, he was standing on the same spot ..
where he accidentally squeezed and broke his egg ..
What an unlucky day ..
When he was about to go out to get the cloth ,
and mop the floor again..
He slipped, coz the floor was too slippery ..
Fortunate in the unfortunate,
he didnt fall down but he knocked the closet ..
Ouch ! 
Let me make it quick ..
Then we went to bath together ..
Full with no empty slot ..
after that one came out and he went in ..
Bath for around 5 minutes ..
Another one was ready to come out ..
but before he came out ,
he opened the hot water tap so strong ..
that Elvis's water immediately became cold !!
Haha .. He of course said "ji dan gao"
Hahaha ..
Then after that .. I went in .. 
after that person left ..
So I asked Elvis to on full hot water tap ..
So that he wont get the cold water again .. 
Who knows he hand get burnt again by the hot water !!
Ouch ! Sorry this time is my fault ..
So sorry ~
After that .. I laughed so loud in the bathroom..
when we were about to finish .. 
and there was no one there so I can laugh as loud as possible ..
Am I bad ?? Haha .. a bit ..
but today is really not his day ..
Pity Elvis .. 
One night ..
Broke an egg, poured maggie soup,
knocked closet, bathroom incident ..
Nvm.. Elvis..
Today is going to get over soon ..
very very soon ~
Be happy and everything will be ok .. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lazy mood started ..

Arh ~ Blog also lazy to write ..
Sometime just reli nothing happen..
Just dono how to write ..
Today is 4th March ..
Russia election ..
Many Russians outside is going to ..
beat every foreigners they see ..
Yesterday supposed to go bible study ..
but dangerous + lazy ..
Sorry ~ T.T
Have to say sorry to God ..
Yesterday postponed bible study ..
Today didnt go church ..
Arh ~
Thats basically all .. my cash omos finish ..
Going to take again .. maybe next month ??
See how barh ~
=) everything is going on well,
safe and sound ~

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hmm.. Nothing much ..

Yesterday night ..
Its the first night ..
I started to want play dota ..
But ~
I tot I can play .. 
I am too outdated ...
I long time didnt play dy ..
Have to update lots of stuff .. 
Do this and that ..
Duh ~ 
Finally can play .. but its too late ..
So went to sleep ..
*Then today ~ 
straight away get lecture from my dad ..
First lecture in Volgograd ..
I havent even have my study lecture yet .. 
Only start first year .. lolz ...*
Flight ticket bought ..
26 July to Msia and 10 Sept to Volgograd ..
Yeppie !! Going back to Msia !! 
Miss my house, my bed ..
My family, my friends ..
My grandma homecook meals, hangout with my friends ..
Woo~ I am not homesick but I miss that ..
=) I am going back !!
KUCHING !! Wait for me !!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The day without glasses.. 29/2/2012

The night before yesterday..
A senior, Kah Yee's cousin, Carmen,
borrowed my glasses ..
She said she wanna try ..
and so ..I borrowed her ..
I didnt go anywhere ..
Only Russian class for 3 hours ..
Easy job lah ~ =P
So whole day without glasses ..
She returned to me yesterday night ..
But before that I took a lot of picture ..
Erm... Can say no edit .. =)
Let's see how I look like without glasses ..
Just take anyhow .. No skill..

After eating .. Didnt mean to capture that ..
This one not bad but lighting too dark.. =(
I love this one the most .. And I added my name  ..
Thats all .. 
A friend told me I look better without glasses ..
Am I ?? Maybe .. 