Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Glubii komandant (stupid commandant)

Yesterday morning,
while we were still in class,
suddenly our teacher,
came rushing into the classroom and asked..
Who is staying in room 13 ..
Then she asked us to go and tidy our room ..
She asked a lot of questions and lectured us ..
Coz we plugged our boiler in the room,
and one of my roommate kept his rice cooker in the room ..
WTFish !!
Commandant just came in and took the stuff ..
When our teacher called us and we went to our room,
she already took away the wire of the boiler and the rice cooker !!
Haiz .. stupid commandant ..
She herself don wan fix the kitchen,
no electricity at all..
Ask us how to boil our water ??
and my friend just put the rice cooker there ..
She took it away too ..
Wad de ..
Feel like wan to argue with her ...
Scold till she wake up ..
but russian not good ..
Planning to find seniors to help .. but ...
I not sure anybody is willing to help ..
and able to help ..
nevermind larh .. we will wait and see ..
=D ..
Stupid commandant made my roommates all moody ..
no mood ...
and also made me no mood ..
eventho she didnt took anything from me ..

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